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What is a "Database," and Why Should I use it?

Databases or rather, the Gale Databases, are a school-approved way to access academic information. The database are different from Google in that they allow you to browse through peer-reviewed publications to look for a very specific topic. Whereas Googling can be overwhelming, when used properly, the databases can be an efficient way to locate a teacher-approved resource (and automatically cite it!).

World Book Online: Why We Love It!

World Book Encyclopedias were some of the best print resources of the library before the digital age. Now, these resources are even better with the ease of online, unilateral access. Encyclopedias offer a wealth of quick, reference information to gain a good, general summary of knowledge on a person, place, event or even a thing.

Website Evaluation

I've heard many-a-time from students, "well, why do we need libraries anyways now? We have Google." While Google, and other meta-databases such as DuckDuckGo, Bing, AskGeeves, etc. are very useful tools, they will not analyze whether or not a site is appropriate for academic use. The library can teach you to think critically and analytically about what you see online. (See class blogs for more information and lessons) 

Vocational Resources

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